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Candle making advice from our makers

Candle making advice from our makers

We asked our makers for advice and tips they wish they’d known when they started so we can share the collective wisdom of our community to all makers, new and experienced. 

Here’s what they had to say...


Be prepared for a lot of testing!

“I wish I’d been prepared for the sheer amount of testing” - Lisa
“Candle making is not cheap, it requires patience especially during the testing phase. Don't compare yourself to others, take your time. Your time will come” - Louise 

“Be prepared for spending a lot of money and time testing. Don't expect any two fragrances to perform the same. Buy a buffalo [wax melter] it makes life a lot easier. 😁” - Eileen
“Start only with one type of wax, fragrance oil, and vessel and then go from there. Use the wick guide provided on the website and then buy 2 wicks down and up to get you started testing wicks. Once you mastered one candle you can add more fragrances 🙂” - Aylin
“I wish I had known that my candles would change with temp. The candles that I made in summer would be different in the winter. Sinkholes and how to prevent them was always a problem.” - Rachael
“Making candles isn't just a case of melting wax, add a wick and some fragrance. It's a lot more work 😁” - Sile

Our makers recommend taking notes: 

“My advice for anyone wanting to make candles, for themselves or for retail, is to keep notes of everything that goes into a candle (from pouring temperature to FO%) and to introduce only one variable with each new test. I look at candles like a science experiment and it has worked wonders! Also, you will go nose blind at times, give that fragrance a break and you’ll be fine!” - Alex from Llum Studios. 
“I sleep with a notebook on the nightstand because at night I get the best ideas. Choose quality raw materials invest in a wax melting pot (you make your life much easier), choose the image of your product and the price only after you establish which type of customer you are addressing and the development potential. Be prepared to lose money before you win some and most importantly, don't sell any candles until you're sure they represent you. Use the scent load calculator provided by Ni Candle.❣”  - Diana from The Soul Scent 

“Make records of your makes not just the wax and fragrance and method, but also take a picture too as it’s a great way of recalling your products” - Christine

Other tips and tricks...

“Use an apple corer to remove wicks when they fail testing. Replace the new wick in the space and melt down the wax removed to fill the hole again. That way you don’t need to melt down the whole candle losing scent in the process.” - Michelle, Itchy Avocado Ltd
“Clean the inside of your glasses with soapy water - the wicks will adhere so much better on a clean surface (it took hundreds of wasted stickums to teach me this!) - Amy, The Cahm Collective.

And always remember...

“Not to compare yourself with anyone else, it’s your journey. ❤️” - Clare

A common theme from our makers is the need for patience during testing. Your candles may not turn out perfect the first time (we’re hoping they do using some of the advice above 😊) but you will get there eventually and we’re sure in no time you’ll have a stunning collection of candles you can be proud of!

For more advice and discussion… 

Keep the conversation going on our Candle Makers  Facebook Group - the above advice has come from makers in this group and there is plenty of insights shared every day - it’s a great community to welcome you into the world of candle making. 

Should the candle process be too overwhelming, melt making can be an easier start to working with waxes and fragrances, you can read our intro to making wax melts  here

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How to get started with candle making

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How to get the best candle fragrance scent throw?

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